Friday, December 15, 2006

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion - Part 2

Dawkins covers a lot of ground in chapter 2, entitled “The God Hypothesis”, so this section of my review will also be relatively long.

In chapter 2, Dawkins lays out exactly what it is he is arguing against, what he refers to as the God Hypothesis (italics in the original): “there exists a superhuman, supernatural intelligence who deliberately designed and created the universe and everything in it, including us”. It's important to note that this includes various forms of deism, but not any sort of pantheism. In particular, this clearly means that he is not arguing against conceptions of god such as the one Deepak Chopra advances in the same response to The God Delusion I quoted in part 1:

“This assumption is false on several grounds. The most basic one is that God isn't a person. In a certain strain of fundamentalist Christianity God looks and acts human...But God isn't a person in any strain of Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism, the branch of Hinduism known as Vedanta, and many denominations of Christianity--he's not a person in the Gospel of John in the New Testament.”

Leaving aside the questionable assertion that god is not a person in most modern religions (to whom, then, are the faithful praying?), quite plainly, if the god conception in question isn't a person (which, presumably, implies that this hypothetical god is not an “intelligence”, to use Dawkins' term), then Dawkins is not addressing this particular conception of god.

After introducing the hypothesis he intends to argue against, Dawkins spends a brief, sarcastic, handful of pages recounting various versions of that hypothesis. The tone he takes here is typical of his writing on religion: derisive, dismissive, and seemingly flabbergasted at the thought that anyone actually puts any stock in the fanciful beliefs he catalogs. While he has been subject to quite a bit of criticism over the years for his tone, it does arguably serve the purpose he declared back in chapter 1, puncturing the bubble of automatic unconscious respect accorded to religious ideas. It's effective because, let's face it, many religious beliefs are, on their face, quite silly, and recounting them outside their normal context of hushed awe and reverent mystery makes this more evident. The Trinity is a holy mystery when described as part of a Catholic Mass, but it's sci-fi gibberish when laid out in plain text on the pages of a skeptical book. He also pauses at this point to reiterate that he is quite aware that his readers do not believe in a literal old man with a white beard sitting on a cloud, which serves the dual purpose of insulating him from the criticism that he is arguing against childish religion, not sophisticated adult religion, and allowing him another chance to portray religious belief in a silly light.

After a foray into the beliefs of the American founding fathers (which struck me both as irrelevant to the question of the existence of god and a strange diversion for a British author, but which is perhaps understandable if, as many assume, the recent glut of anti-religious books of which The God Delusion is a part is a reaction to the religious assault on rationalism currently underway in American politics), Dawkins moves on to addressing, and dismissing, the agnostic position. His criticism of agnosticism, while accurate in many respects, suffers from two key flaws.

First, as many do, he treats agnosticism as a mere middle ground between belief and non-belief, without acknowledging a second, richer, sense of the word. While agnosticism is commonly used to refer to a simple lack of choosing sides, it can also mean a principled stance regarding whether or not reliable knowledge of a subject is possible. Agnosticism, in this sense, is not a center point between the two poles of theism and atheism, but one end of its own continuum with gnosticism at the other end. For example, as regards conceptions of god as generic as the one Dawkins is addressing, I consider myself, as noted in part 1, an in-principle agnostic and a functional atheist. That is to say, I don't think it's possible to have any reliable knowledge regarding the existence of god, and I adopt a default position of non-belief toward concepts about which knowledge is impossible. Oddly, he acknowledges the principle behind this form of agnosticism in his account of Bertrand Russel's famous orbiting teacup, but fails to explicitly distinguish it from the sort of agnosticism he is arguing against. While this is a fairly minor definitional quibble, and Dawkins spends the remainder of the chapter attacking the more common agnosticism-as-a-middle-ground position, it would have been more thorough of him, in writing a subsection entitled 'The Poverty of Agnosticism', to acknowledge the existence of forms of agnosticism other than the one he savages. In particular, given his belabored stance that agnosticism does not imply that the probably of god's existence and non-existence is even, the distinction between agnosticism as a belief about knowledge and atheism as a belief about existence (and specifically the existence of agnostic atheists) might have been a useful addition to the rhetorical toolkit he employs.

Second, although he separates agnosticism into two varieties, which he refers to as TAP (Temporary Agnosticism in Practice) and PAP (Permanent Agnosticism in Principle and, yes, he does half admit to the goading name), he doesn't give the latter type the full examination it deserves. When he claims that the existence of god is a scientific hypothesis like any other, he fails to even acknowledge, much less address, the problems inherent in assuming that an unpredictable supernatural intelligence should be something that we would reasonably expect to be able to detect. For example, how could we expect to gather evidence for or against the (absurd) creationist suggestion that the apparent age of the earth, evidence for biological evolution, etc., are simply divine deceptions intended as a test of faith? Whatever evidence turns up is consistent with both an old earth and a young earth created by a deceptive god so evidence is, in principle, useless for deciding the question. While the example is silly (although, frighteningly, real), it illustrates the point that, if we're positing an intelligent being with arbitrary intentions and supernatural powers, it's not possible to say what would count as evidence against its intervention in the physical world, because any observable data point X would be consistent both with the hypothesis that the entity does not exist and the hypothesis that the entity wanted us to see X, for whatever reason. Outside Occam's Razor, we have no way to differentiate between the the two hypotheses.

Dawkins then turns to the popular idea that science and religion occupy what Stephen Jay Gould called Non-Overlapping Magisteria, or NOMA. He makes the accurate observation that, despite the reconciliatory terms adopted by those by those in favor the idea that religion and science address different spheres of knowledge and do not affect each other, very few believers actually act as though the idea were true. Rather, most believers act as though religion does, indeed, have quite a bit to do with the supposed magisterium of science. Although it is strictly not required for the narrow God Hypothesis at which Dawkins is ostensibly aiming his criticism, he notes that most real world versions of the hypothesis do, in fact, assume a god who is active in the physical world and, thus, involved in the how and why of physical events that have been declared the realm of science. Further, Dawkins makes the scathing point that, although evidence that no God Hypothesis is needed to explain the natural world is frequently written off as having no bearing on religious belief, it's unimaginable to think that that, were irrefutable evidence to somehow be produced showing that, say, Jesus really did have no biological father, theists would shrug their shoulders and invoke NOMA, claiming that evidence belongs to the magisterium of science, and has no bearing on the magisterium of religion.

Dawkins wraps up the chapter with an account of Russel Stannard's famous medical experiment to test the efficacy of prayer (predictably, no results were attributable to prayer and, equally predictably, this failed to change the opinions of the faithful regarding the efficacy of prayer) and a quick discussion of the difference between the merely superhuman and the actually supernatural.

Part 3 coming when I have time to write it.

First Real Post

OK, so I've officially made the first real post to the blog, that no one but me will read. It's rough, but I've successfully forced myself to write something again.

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion - Part 1

Perhaps it's a bit late to be reviewing The God Delusion, Dawkins' latest popular nonfiction, but it's been on my mind, and I'm in the middle of a reread, so it seems like as good as time as any to put my thoughts down. The God Delusion is the third major publication unabashedly questioning religion in the last year or so, joining Daniel Dennet's Breaking the Spell : Religion as a Natural Phenomenon and Sam Harris' The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason. I particularly looked forward to Dawkins' entry, as he is by far my favorite popular science writer currently publishing, and I admire his no holds barred stance on religion. He makes a number of important points in The God Delusion and, furthermore, makes them with his characteristic lack of tactful restraint. It's refreshing, especially in the minefield of today's overly religious political climate, to see someone expressing an irreligious opinion so clearly. Having said that, however, Dawkins is a much better science writer than he is a philosopher, and I think there are several key flaws in the book, as I will explain. In the interest of disclosure, I myself am an in-principle agnostic, and a functional atheist.

In the preface, Dawkins states that the intent of the book is to raise consciousness to the possibility of atheism and that, “If this book works as I intend, religious readers who open it will be atheists when they put it down.” Predictably, the book has set off something of a storm amongst the sort of people who write about books on the Internet. Unfortunately, the majority of the press it's gotten seems to have come from reviewers who have managed to become outraged by his subject matter without having bothered to comprehend what he's actually saying. In other words, it seems that a number of his interlocutors have simply brought along baggage from their previous theism vs atheism arguments and responded to that, rather than to any points Dawkins actually attempts to make in his book. To take just one example, Deepak Chopra states that:
“Therefore, reducing God to a Sunday school picture and claiming that the Book of Genesis--or creationism in general--competes with science isn't accurate. Fundamentalism hasn't played a role in scientific debate for generations. Einstein pointed out that he didn't believe in a personal God but was fascinated by how an orderly universe and its physical laws came about.”
...but, in doing so, blithely disregards the both first chapter of The God Delusion, in which Dawkins makes it explicitly clear that he is not arguing against the 'god' Einstein spoke of, and further takes issue with the vacuousness of attaching the name 'god' to a fascination with the physical universe, and also the second chapter, in which Dawkins addresses the anticipated complaint that his readers may feel that Dawkins' arguments only apply to unsophisticated “Sunday school pictures” (to use Chopra's words) and not to the more refined god concepts they themselves believe in.

Additional criticism has originated in the atheist community, many of whom feel that Dawkins' combative approach is counterproductive, politically dangerous, or simply rude. At any rate, background aside, this is meant to be a review of Dawkins' book, not a review of reactions to Dawkins' book. Onward...

Chapter 1 – A Deeply Religious Non-believer

As noted above, Dawkins devotes a good portion of his first chapter to addressing various non-theistic uses of the word 'god', including the Einsteinian sense Chopra mentions. He presents quotes from scientists ranging from Carl Sagan to Charles Darwin to Einstein himself, showcasing both their rhapsodic use of religious metaphor to describe their awe at the wonders the natural world has to offer and their plain statements making it very clear that their metaphorical language is just that and no more. Particularly enlightening (not to mention entertaining) are several pieces written by Einstein's critics demonstrating that, however much modern theists would like to claim the man as one of their own, theists in Einstein's own time very clearly considered him an unbeliever. Dawkins' point here is to distinguish what he calls the 'deserved respect' accorded to the wonders of nature by those who reflect upon them from the 'undeserved respect' reflexively granted to religious ideas in our society.

This chapter represents one of the most important points Dawkins makes in the book, and one he's made repeatedly in the past. Simply stated, our societies grant respect to most sorts of ideas based on how well they actually work, and debate about their relative merits is encouraged or, at least, not frowned upon. Religious ideas, on the other hand, are accorded a disproportionate amount of respect simply because they are religious ideas. Dawkins gives several examples (conscientious objectors, hallucinogenic users, discrimination) where religious beliefs are readily accepted as excuses for behavior that is much more difficult to justify using secular reasons. What Dawkins doesn't explicitly mention in this chapter is that, if the reader does not accept his point here, the reader is unlikely to be receptive to anything else he has to say in the book, as this chapter argues against the (unnamed in the text) fallacy usually referred to as special pleading. In short, religious beliefs are normally considered exempt from the same rules of evidence and argument that govern our acceptance of other sorts of ideas and, if the reader does not agree with Dawkins (and, incidentally, with me) that this normal state of affairs is inappropriate, then none of the arguments Dawkins goes on to muster in subsequent chapters will be effective, as religion will simply be given a free pass.

As a final note on this chapter, to be fair to the clergy, Dawkins does overlook one point in his complaint that religious leaders are overrepresented in the media when commentary on some ethical issue is required. While I do agree with Dawkins that they are no more qualified than anyone else to comment on ethical issues by simple virtue of being religious leaders, they do, as a group, tend to be familiar with moral philosophy, so that any randomly selected religious leader is probably more likely than a randomly selected member of the population at large to have received some training in moral philosophy.

Chapter 2 to follow when I have time to write it.